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  • OT / PT / ST | Therapy Monkey

    Occupational Therapy; Physical Therapy; Speech Therapy; We offer Pediatric Therapy of all kinds; We also have multiple speciality areas others don't offer! Available Therapy Services OT PT ST How Our Therapists Work Together Therapies, whether occupational, physical, or speech, may seem to overlap. The human body is so interconnected, redundancies happen naturally! Typically, physical therapy treats the lower body, occupational therapy treats the upper body, and speech therapy focuses on treating the head and neck. All three areas of therapy are related to one another and effect each other, as there is rarely one problem area that does not effect other areas of development. If your child has qualified in one area of therapy, it is common for your therapist to refer you to another type of therapy as they are so closely connected. Our therapists work together to maximize the functional progress your child can make! Therapy Monkey staff use a multi-disciplinary approach to ensure carry-over of new skills and to improve success in participation across a variety of settings such as home, school, community, etc. Who Are Occupational Therapists? Occupational therapists help people across the lifespan basically do what they want to and need to do. For children, their main jobs are to play, socialize with other children, and to be independent so they can eventually function well in society. If anything related makes these difficult for your child, it is fair game for an OT to address! OTs help children perform “jobs” they may find challenging by addressing sensory, social, behavioral, motor, and environmental issues. One of our OTs will evaluate your child’s current skills related to play, school performance, and daily activities, comparing them to other children in the same age group. Using these results, your OT will work directly with you to develop a customized plan to address your primary concerns! Who May Benefit From OT? Children may require occupational therapy whether they have a medical condition or not. Children with the following medical conditions are considered more ‘at risk’ for delays impacting overall function: traumatic birth/atypical pregnancy birth injuries/birth defects sensory processing disorders traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord) learning problems/dyslexia/dysgraphia autism/pervasive developmental disorders behavioral problems/emotional regulation problems developmental delays post-surgical hand conditions spina bifida cerebral palsy and other chronic illnesses traumatic life events such as foster care, adoption, divorce, moving, etc. What Do OT Treatments Look Like? Working on fine motor and visual motor skills: grasp and release toys, develop good handwriting skills, stacking blocks, coloring within boundaries, copying shapes Addressing eye-hand coordination for better play and school skills: hitting a target, batting a ball, copying from a blackboard Working on visual efficiency to improve attention, reading, and play skills: focusing on a moving objects, controlling eyes coming together and holding focus, discriminating subtle differences in two similar objects Basic daily tasks: bathing, dressing, brushing teeth, feeding, sleeping habits Maintaining positive behaviors in all environments: regulating emotions rather than acting out Assessing environmental stressors: identifying sensory processing struggles and abilities Who Are Physical Therapists? Physical therapists are concerned with a child’s ability to engage in movement activities like crawling, walking, running, playing games, and sports. PTs realize a child’s primary job is to play! Physical therapists also help children who rely on mobility devices learn to navigate safely and more effectively. One of our PTs will evaluate your child’s current skills related to mobility, coordination, endurance, strength, and balance, comparing them to other children in the same age group. Using these results, your PT will work directly with you to develop a customized plan to address your primary concerns! Who May Benefit From PT? Children who have suffered an injury, undergone a major surgery, have a congenital condition, or developmental delays can benefit from receiving physical therapy. Our physical therapists see children with a variety of needs anywhere from ages 0-18 years. Our physical therapists assess joint range of motion, muscle strength, neurological function, motor control, and posture to improve a child’s balance, coordination, strength, and endurance. What Do PT Treatments Look Like? Therapy includes a gym, climbing opportunities, large mats, crash pads, among other numerous things. We have a rock wall, stairs, swings, jungle gym, therapy balls, medicine balls, and much more! Therapists use music, toys, and age-appropriate games to engage children in play in each therapy session. Who Are Speech Therapists? Speech therapists realize a child’s primary job is to play! They help improve verbal and/or nonverbal communication in children who have speech and/or language disorders. This may include developmental receptive/expressive language delays, social communication disorders, articulation disorders, stuttering/fluency disorders, apraxia of speech, and feeding/swallowing disorders. One of our speech therapists will evaluate your child’s current skills related to articulation, expressive speech, receptive speech, overall language, and social skills, comparing them to other children in the same age group. Using these results, your speech therapist will work directly with you to develop a customized plan to address your primary concerns! Who May Benefit From ST? Children may require speech therapy whether they have a medical condition or not. Children with the following medical conditions are considered more ‘at risk’ for delays impacting overall function: auditory processing disorders hearing loss traumatic brain injuries (brain or spinal cord) learning problems autism/pervasive developmental disorders developmental delays cerebral palsy and other chronic illnesses Down syndrome and other genetic conditions What Do ST Treatments Look Like? Improving understanding of the primary language used by caregivers and/or peers Improving your child’s ability to express wants, needs, and thoughts (words, sign language, communication device, etc.) Teaching children social behaviors needed for peer interaction Improving sound productions so your child can be better understood Evaluating the need for specialized equipment, such as alternative communication devices, speech-generating devices, or adapted feeding materials Contact Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more. First Name Last Name Email Phone Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Parent Resource Center | Therapy Monkey

    Are Standard Approaches just not cutting it? Come SEE why our Vision Based Therapy is perfect to fill those gaps. We offer specialized vision programs tailored for your child! Parent Resource Center When it comes to parenting, there are so many unknowns. At Therapy Monkey, we want to minimize your stress as parents and maximize your power as a provider! Talk with our therapists about how therapy can make a difference! Knowledge = Power For Change Free Information Below Pregnancy Parenting 101 Single Parent Infants & Toddlers 0-3 Children 5-11 Teens 12-19 Autism Diagnoses ADHD Developmental Disabilities Cerebral Palsy Health Insurance Intellectual Disability Contact Wondering if your child is falling behind? Get in touch to find the answers and solutions. First Name Last Name Email Phone Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Contact Main Page | Therapy Monkey

    Contact us today to schedule an Evaluation or Therapy Transfer Contact Us Now 385 Highway 65 North Conway, AR 72032 102 E Harding St. Morrilton, AR 72110 Phone: (501) 697 - 9881 Fax: (501) 475-1478 Visit By Appointment Only Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Want to leave anonymous feedback? Click The Smiley Face! You can also contact us by using this form: First Name Last Name Email Subject Leave us a message... Phone Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Extra | Therapy Monkey

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  • Vision Focused Therapy | Therapy Monkey

    Are Standard Approaches just not cutting it? Come SEE why our Vision Based Therapy is perfect to fill those gaps. We offer specialized vision programs tailored for your child! Vision Focused Therapy Nearly 1 out of 4 children have a vision problem significant enough to affect their school performance. Your child may struggle every day, but you may not know who you need help from or what kind of help your child needs. Complaints and behaviors such as headaches, head tilting, watering eyes, rubbing their eyes, re-reading sentences, poor participation in sports, and lack of interest in coloring, writing, or reading, can all be red flags your child may have poor vision skills. Visual skills are essential for school performance; these can be improved with our vision-focused therapy program. Our program helps strengthen the brain-eye connection to improve visual system functioning and overall visual perception needed for school success. Our occupational therapists specialize in vision-focused therapy for kids ages 5-18 years to help cope with learning and/or behavioral problems associated with visual deficits. Our OTs work hand in hand with local developmental optometrists to help identify these deficits and form a customized program. Even if your child has 20/20 vision, they still may struggle with performing visually-demanding activities for a number of other reasons. Contact Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Pediatric OT/PT/ST | Therapy Monkey | Conway | Morrilton

    Therapy Monkey- Ready. Set. Play! We offer unique sensory play experiences to promote your child’s Natural State of Curiosity to Grow and Learn. Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Conway Vilonia Little Rock Greenbrier Morrilton Pediatric Therapy Servicing Central Arkansas At Therapy Monkey, we value play-based therapy. Following your child's lead, we emphasize a multi-sensory approach to support whole brain development. Fostering both creativity and your child's natural sense of curiosity, Therapy Monkey helps promote: Speech Social Skills Cognition Sensory Processing Gross Motor Fine Motor Articulation Feeding Vision Skills Balance Coordination Reading Emotional Regulation Strength Self-Care Contact us now! Phone: (501) 697-9881 Email: Admin@TherapyMonkey.Cloud

  • Developmental Assessments | Therapy Monkey

    Are Standard Approaches just not cutting it? Come SEE why our Vision Based Therapy is perfect to fill those gaps. We offer specialized vision programs tailored for your child! Developmental Assessments Keeping Up With Growth & Development At Therapy Monkey, licensed professionals use standardized, developmental screenings and evaluations. Using this information, we find out if your child is on the right development track and are able to identify any areas of concern. Typically, this takes 1-2 hours per discipline, depending on the initial concerns. It is not uncommon for a child to qualify for several services if they qualify in one. Your therapist may recommend additional testing with another professional to get a bigger picture of their overall development. We will spend time with you, discussing your biggest concerns. We will then observe your child, give them a formal test, and have you fill out a questionnaire. The results of this formal evaluation determines whether your child would benefit from one-on-one therapy. Services are customized to target your child’s needs. Whether they need help talking, eating, dressing, moving, writing, reading, walking, learning, or interacting with others, we are here to help! Why Developmental Assessment Is Important Don’t play the “Wait and See” game! The earlier problem areas are identified the better. Many children with developmental delays and/or behavior concerns are not identified as early as possible and critical formative years are wasted. Research shows that early intervention treatment services can greatly improve a child’s development. “In the United States, about 1 in 6 children aged 3 to 17 years have one or more developmental or behavioral disabilities, such as autism , a learning disorder , or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. In addition, many children have delays in language or other areas that can affect how well they do in school. However, many children with developmental disabilities are not identified until they are in school, by which time significant delays might have occurred and opportunities for treatment might have been missed." Download the CDC's Milestone Tracker App: Developmental Milestones Contact Wondering if your child is falling behind? Get in touch to find the answers and solutions. First Name Last Name Email Phone Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Summer Programs | Therapy Monkey

    Summer Enrichment Camp Not your typical summer camp! Save My Spot Led by a Pediatric Occupational Therapist to support your child's "just right challenge" Research is showing what occupational therapists have known for a long time: Adequate, unstructured time outside in nature is crucial to children’s overall development. Additionally, access to natural materials like mud, sand, water, and dirt and collaborating in a child-led group setting has multiple benefits: • Fosters Healthy Development of Sensory Systems • Promotes Imagination • Sparks Creativity • Strengthens Gross & Fine Motor Function and Control • Develops Problem Solving Skills • Promotes Emotional Regulation and Management • Fosters Cooperation & Development of Social Skills Save My Spot Therapy Monkey Offers the Following Enrichment Camp Opportunities Nature Play Summer Enrichment Camp at Wooly Hollow State Park 1⁄2 day- 9:00 am -12:00 pm Aged 4-8 years of age 100% outdoors Mud, Sand, and Water Play Art activities, Loose Parts Play with Natural Materials, Hiking and Creek Play, Nature Based Educational Opportunities. Child led and facilitated by a licensed practitioner with experience working with children of all abilities in nature. High adult to child ratio. Children will be able to expect predictable rhythms and access to materials within an approved, safety checked space, as well as skilled facilitators who provide social, emotional, and physical support and learning opportunities throughout camp. Dates: 2025 Schedule TBD *Each Child Will Need To Be Pre-Screened Before Signing Up* Cost: $250 per week Messy Mornings in Nature at Camp Beaverfork 1⁄2 day- 9:00 am -12:00 pm Aged 4-8 years of age 100% outdoors Process art : Mud and Water Play, Loose Parts play, Sensory Play Children will have access to a variety of art and sensory materials for a calm, rich, immersive experience engaging their entire senses all while being out in nature. This is a child-led experience which means the child gets to pick what they want to create or engage with. Children will have access to materials such as clay, slime, paint, water, sand, shaving cream, play dough, oobleck, play “snow”, mud kitchen materials, loose parts, and more. This is a process art experience meaning that the learning and skills developed are through the process rather than the product- which has immense benefits for children in this age group. My child wants to join! Sign me up! First name Last name Email Phone Questions? Submit Thanks for submitting! Ready To Pay? Click Here!

  • Hippotherapy (A Therapy Tool) | Therapy Monkey

    We Are Exclusively Partnered Together! Therapy Monkey and HorsePlay!! Hippotherapy refers to how occupational, physical, and speech-language therapists, use evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning to manipulate the horse's movement to engage and improve sensory, neuromotor, and cognitive systems. Therapists use hippotherapy as part of an integrated therapy plan of care. Highly trained therapists use this multidimensional movement to provide system-wide impacts on human neurophysiology. The motor and sensory input is coupled and highly organized, and the horse’s movement can be manipulated in many ways to address a broad range of system impairments. The horse provides unique rhythmic, low amplitude, and consistent movements which can be sustained over time. HorsePlay Hippotherapy & Therapeutic Riding, Inc. is our 501(c)3 nonprofit program designed to meet the needs of children with physical, emotional, or cognitive disabilities. Through the use of the horse, HorsePlay provides an experience where individual goals and objectives can be met in a non-traditional, non-clinical environment. Click Here To Learn More We Love HIPPOTHERAPY!

  • About | Therapy Monkey

    Therapy Monkey- Ready. Set. Play! We offer unique sensory play experiences to promote your child’s Natural State of Curiosity to Grow and Learn. Motivated and Engaged Therapists support you and your child to discover their BEST SELF! Justin "JD" and Erica Kennemer are both occupational therapists. With over 20 years combined experience, the Kennemers have worked in a variety of settings: acute care, rehab, outpatient adults, orthopedics, burns, industrial ergonomics, & pediatrics. In 2015, JD and Erica moved to Greenbrier from Galveston, TX, escaping the coastal humidity while relocating closer to family in the refuge of the cooler Ozark climate. In 2018 Erica founded HorsePlay Hippotherapy & Therapeutic Riding, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Conway, AR. This combined Erica's life-long passions for horses and helping children with special needs. HorsePlay quickly took off, bringing to light the immense need for more specialized, sensori-neuro based therapy services in the central Arkansas area. Therapy Monkey was opened in 2021 to combine traditional therapy approaches with progressive specialties, such as vision-focused therapy and hippotherapy. Their son, AJ, also known as "Monkey Head," already plans to work 'at therapy' when he's big. AJ loves Paw Patrol, Captain "Camerica," and Frozen. The wonder of AJ's growth and development played a major role in naming this clinic. Celebrating progress and individual triumphs drive motivation at Therapy Monkey! ABOUT THERAPY MONKEY

  • Photo Gallery | Therapy Monkey

    A Picture can tell 1,000 words! Take a peak to SEE why we are DIFFERENT! Once you see, you will BELIEVE the Potential for your Child! Therapy Monkey: Sneak Peek 12.01.2021 Grand Opening Meet & Greet January 22, 2022 More Gallery Updates To Come Click To Open Click To Open

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